music. art. life. love.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Living in Minnesota, it's pretty much a given to have some form of cabin up north. At least two thirds of my friends have a cabin, and a few lucky members of my family do. Do I have a cabin, though? Of course not. It's probably one of the least Minnesotan things I can say, to be honest with you. If you don't have a cabin, it's like...not going to the beach in california, or the city in new york, or mexico if you live in texas, or something like that. You just don't do it. It's about as un-Minnesotan as not liking apple pie is un-american. (not that I am all for AMERICAN PRIDE WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO LETS HANG OUR FLAG HIGH YIPPYY KAYAY! I am more the sort to just think my state is bitchin'. Lets be honest. Minnesota rocks.) I hear everyone going up to their cabin every single weekend and think to myself "My life is missing the sweet scent of trees and lakewater"
well I got lucky this weekend. My dads uncle Tom has this cabin up north in Pequot Lakes. It was also redone, a basement, regular level, running water, electricity, and my favorite, a loft. It's not a HUGE cabin, it's a nice size and I love it. Occasionally we get the chance to come up here and it's just stunning. The lake is gorgeous and there's always a nice breeze.
Today was swelteringly hott. We got to the cabin about...11 in the morning and unloaded the car. I changed into my swimsuit immediately and laid out on the dock. i am determined to get tan this summer. It was so. Hott. and humid. I wanted to scream, but it felt nice to sit out there and bake. After a while of hanging out in the sun we decided to go on a boat ride. We were out there for a looonngng time and my dad let me drive the pontune. I'm not sure why, but there's just something that draws me to the lake. It's so peaceful and fun and I sound like a commplete and total dork saying this. but i love the lake. a lot. Now i'm hanging out inside while my dad cooks up some STEAK and i'm trying not to have a single care in the world! la dada dada. i'm going to go frollick in a medow now. Or read a book. Yeah i'll do the second one.

Sunday, June 12, 2011's...summer?

INDEED IT IS. It's summer time and the livin is fine. Literally, I never thought I would be so happy for it to be summer. Those last few days of school seemed to creep on like little inchworms. It made me hate life and living. But let me just tell you, it was all worth it for these three months of freedom, and warm weather, and tanning and endless nights with people you love.
Recently I've had these really weird obsessions with things.

Like big sunglasses

or having my hair up super high in a bun

or tanning (i haven't done it EVER just laid out in the sun and chilled? its so relaxing!)

or listening to terrible music, like Mac Miller.

But man, let me tell you these first few days of summer have literally been HEAVENLY. Summer kicked off amazingly, with me spending some time with my lovely friends at my boyfriends pool. GOT MAH TAN ON :D
These next few days I just hung out with Carlyn and enjoyed my summer.
But last night. Oh golly last night. Hot diggety, I can't even explain to you how great it was.

Last night was the panic! at the disco/Fun. concert. It was at First Ave. Let me tell you, i've never been to such a cool venue! Granted, i've only ever been to two other concerts before. Green Day, at the Target Center (oh my god best first concert ever.) and Fun. at The Varsity. So, Carlyn and I get to First Ave at the ripe time of 5:10. Doors open at 5:30, and as I expected there was a line almost all the way down the block. It was okay, though. We got in line after this girl who was with (what APPEARED TO BE) her father, and behind this bickering couple. It was quite wretched, but we kept in mind that in a few short hours we would get to BE IN A CONCERT.
As we sat and wait (the doors were FIFTEEN MINUTES LATE to open. How dare you keep a bunch of fifteen year old white girls waiting. THEY WANT THEIR MAN MEAT, GOSH DARN IT) we people watched. It was quite invigorating. A few people ahead of us in line were these rather obnoxious girls that seemed to be my age. I saw a man with purple hair, and many different people that walked by looking SKETCHERIFIC. I feel bad for Carlyn, though. She had to put up with my ridiculousness. Every time I would do something too unbearable, she'd give me this hand sign. You know the "awkward sea turtle" business? The two hands and the awkward thumbs moving? Well, she put her hands upside down and would say "ABORTLE THE TORTLE" telling me to abort what i was doing. quite funny, no? I thought so.
Well, when we FINALLY got INTO the venue it was already pretty crowded. We stood in the middle, about 9 rows of people back? Something like that. Get this; a guy FAINTED before the show even started. he was right next to me, too. it was probably one of the freakiest things ever. Cause he almost fell ON ME. Anyways, the first band that came on was called  Funeral Party. They sort of reminded me of a more screamo-y Fall Out Boy. If you like screamy whiney boys, BE MY GUEST. But it was definitely not something I thoroughly enjoyed. The two people next to Carlyn and I didn't much like them either. We spent most of our time making fun of them, and just jumping around to piss people off. It was quite fantastic :)
After Funeral Party came off we started to wait for Fun. I can not tell you how excited I was to see them again! Seeing them in October had been FANTASTIC. And I knew they wouldn't dissapoint. They didn't. They were beyond words. Nate Ruess was so exciting! They all sounded fantastic, and I loved the girl who was on tour with them! (though i did hate her a little, since she was ON TOUR WITH FUN.) They started with a brand new song which made me want to CRY with excitement. They ended with Take Your Time (Coming Home) Which Carlyn and I both think will become their  "good riddance" song. Since Green Day always ends concerts in Good Riddance, we feel like Fun. Will always end their concerts in Take Your Time. The only thing that bummed me out was that they didn't play The Gambler. God I love that song, it's the best song that Nate has ever written. But it was okay, cause it was still amazing :)
After Fun. we were waiting for Panic! At the Disco. Carlyn and I were both super excited (though I must admit I am a bit more FANGIRL towards them than she is) and we were waiting in the middle of the crazy terrifying mass. I started to feel like I was about to faint so I BOOKED it outta there. We stood off a little ways to the side where it was still a great view and hung out there until THAT started getting unbearable. We moved a ways away from the crowd but still ended up with an amazing view of the guys :) When they came on we all sort of had a freak out. I was really surprised by how amazing they are live, and how fantastic Brendon Urie's stage presence is. I mean, I'm a fan of Panic! At the Disco. No shame. But I wasn't expecting them to be outstanding in concert, I'd heard they weren't all that great. But they really blew me away.It also surprised me how SEXUAL they were. It was just tons of fun. Brenon interacted with the crowd a ton, and the new guitarists were both VERY cute. Probably my favorite part, though was when Spencer stood up from his drums where he had been all night and said something along the lines of "I have been sitting here, all night...thinking about what to say to you guys. And finally, i came up with this. You're hott, you're tasty, you're spicy...and I love chili" It was adorable getting to hear him, because usually he's hidden by his drums! Spencer also decided, that since we were so amazing he wanted to take a picture to document us. I felt so close to the band at that point. (how cheesy, right?!) I also loved how Brendon kept saying we were the BEST group they'd played for all tour. And I could tell he was saying the truth, since he literally did not stop smiling the whole entire show. It was heartwarming.

There's just something about concerts where you feel totally connected to everyone you're with. And you feel connected to those in the band. You've all come together in this tiny area for one reason: to listen to, and admire some fantastic music that you love. And the thing is, being in a concert, ESPECIALLY on the floor, is such a personal thing. You're literally pressed up to this person next to you that you've never met like you are sardines. And it's just such a close feeling. It's hard to describe.

and I sound like a cheeseball.

So long, friends.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

sayonara, seniors

Today was the Senior's last day. Unlike the rest of us who are locked in our little prison for 6 MORE DAYS (including weekends), they get out now. They graduate tomorrow, and of course have the senior all night party tomorrow evening. Now, being a freshman I tried to stay out of the senior's way as much as possible throughout the year. But I did know a few kind faces from before school started, who i've known most of my life, and I also met some amazing people that definitely changed my freshman year.
I've only gotten close to three or four seniors this year, but they've all had a huge impact on my life :)

I'd like to thank them, and wish them the best of things for their future. I know they'll do amazing things, whether they're at the University of Minnesota, off in Europe, or chasing their dreams. I hope they all go on to great things, because I know they will.

Today was full of tears, smiles, giant yearbooks and a pretty rad senior prank (smoke bombs on the first floor). I didn't cry, necessarily. But part of me has just started to realize. Some of the seniors I've gotten to know, I will probably never see again. They're going on to college, then later jobs. A family, maybe a wife and some kids, and a steady job hopefully. They're moving on from their life, on from highschool.
It feels like right now we'll never get out of highschool. We'll be stuck here forever or something. But i'm realizing that after highschool, there's LIFE outside. and PEOPLE and we'll BE those old people someday saying "WHEN I WAS A KID, WE HAD TO RIDE A BIG YELLOW CONTRAPTION TO SCHOOL INSTEAD OF TELEPORTING THERE!"

I must sound like a complete idiot for saying this. But I never really could imagine myself or my friends outside of highschool.

Anyways. I wish all of you seniors the best of luck in whatever you do and know you'll do great. To those who I know and love dearly, I love you and I will miss you. Don't be strangers :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Home is wherever I'm with you

This is honestly such a beautiful song.
I can't stop listening to it.
I want to learn it on guitar and find someone to sing the harmonies and whatnot with me.
It's just that beautiful.

It's a song that reminds me of summer. And it makes me want to do all these amazing things this  summer, and just be spontaneous and make this summer THE summer. My best friend is going to college in the fall, so we definitely need to make this summer the greatest. Even though she'll be only 20 minutes away, it will feel like forever since we live a mile apart.

This song makes me feel happy when i'm upset. I've been in sort of a rut the past few days, and i've also been sick. And this song just makes me think of those people...who i'm at home around. :) they know who they are. And they also always know how to make me feel better.

This just reminds me of every good memory with my family and friends ever. Yanno those moments where you pause and think "damn i wish i could capture this moment forever" It makes me think of all of those moments. Yeah. The real epic ones.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dude, I miss posting.

So I officially have NO followers :) but I didn't expect to have any.
What made me decide to blog suddenly after months of being gone, and then posting once and another month and a half of not posting?
I was looking at my old blog and I saw a comment from the beloved Jodie Eileen saying she missed me and it just made my heart hurt a little bit! I missed the whole blog world and I missed writing and all that stuff.
blah blah blah.
right? right. so i'm going to TRY and post more. But I don't know how that is going to work.
Just bear with me, people :)
or person. Whoever is reading this (probably myself in about a week or so)

anyways. Maybe the reason I haven't had the urge to blog is because so much (and yet not enough) has been going on recently.
I've been busy with school, swimming, boring things like that. And i've had lots of things going on with friends and whatnot but just nothing blogworthy. Cause i don't feel like my life is that exciting. :)

I say that a lot.